What is AAAA in charter parties?
AAAA (always accessible always afloat) – Term often found in charter parties stipulating that the charterer is to only order the vessels to ports or places where the vessel will not touch bottom, or where the vessel can depart at any time regardless of variations in tides, force majeure excepted. Compare: NAABSA (not always afloat but safely aground).
What is A/E or ACC/EXC ?
A/E or ACC/EXC (Accept/Except) – stipulation in written offers and counteroffers for contracts of affreightment, charter parties and other shipping contracts which are used to denote that all terms have been accepted, except the terms which then are delineated and referred to as the “outstanding terms.” Negotiations will then continue on the outstanding terms.
What is Contracts of Affreightment?
COA - Contracts of Affreightment – while any contract for the carriage of goods may accurately be referred to as a contract of affreightment, the term COA is customarily reserved for a contract or charter party which includes provisions for multiple shipments usually on different vessels.
What is the meaning of AFSPS?
AFSPS (Arrival First Sea Pilot Station) - The term is usually used in a time charter party to denote the place where the vessel will be delivered by the owners to the time charterers, and the port is up river and will require not only sea pilots but river and harbor pilots.
Agency Fee is on whom account?
Fee paid to a port agent by the shipowner or ship operator for arranging a berth with the port authority, ordering pilots, arranging tugs and labor, entering the ship in at Customs and collecting freight.
What is the meaning of AGW?
AGW (all going well) - a term frequently used as a subject or an exception to a warranty or stipulation, such as “the voyage will be performed in 14 days, agw.”
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